COVID-19 Update: Shipping Safely

During our 2020 two-week shipping pause, we evaluated all aspects of our operation to eliminate any risk of COVID-19 spread or exposure. After consulting with our warehouse team, we made a series of improvements to ensure we can safely fulfill orders without endangering our people or yours.

Our Shipping Department will be the only workers coming into our facilities. This small group of dedicated employees are all either family or friends, living together in two nearby homes. In effect, they are self-isolating as a group, avoiding any public transportation by driving and parking on the premises. We’ve had frequent discussions with our team, adopting their suggestions for extra layers of sanitization and social distancing within the warehouse itself so everyone feels completely safe. We all feel confident we’ve virtually eliminated chances of catching or spreading COVID-19 within the confines of our warehouse. We would not be shipping again if we didn’t feel this way.

As we have returned to business, we have experienced a surge in orders. This may be partly pent-up demand, partly a continuation of our rapid growth, and partly increased demand as people spend more time in their homes. It is both thrilling and scary. We love the business but are terrified of disappointing our customers with slower ship times.

We appreciate your patronage during this difficult time. Please stay healthy and safe. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us.

-Whitney Selke


Is there an exposure risk to COVID-19 from your rugs?

All of our rugs spend a minimum of 33 days in a sealed container, so even in the event of exposure, the SARS-COV-2 virus causing COVID-19 would be long inactive. From there, our rugs are handled by one or more of our small, self-isolating warehouse staff before being passed to the shipping carrier. Upon arrival, we suggest taking the same precautions we all should with any package right now: washing your hands thoroughly before and after handling, and avoiding touching your face, out of an abundance of caution.

Has anyone in your warehouse been sick?

We’ve had no one sick in our facilities, and our four-person warehouse team is practicing the recommended self-isolating procedures. We all know how hard testing is to come by right now, so we’re not going to use confirmed tests as our benchmark. Should any of our warehouse staff come into contact with anyone with symptoms even resembling COVID-19 (or someone that develops symptoms within 3 days afterward), they’ll receive their normal pay to stay home for a two-week quarantine period.

Is there any impact on packing & shipping times?

We want to carefully ship our rugs while protecting the health of our workers and their families. As a result, rug orders placed today are expected to ship: Jul 29. All swatch orders ship by noon the following day.

We are working hard to hire and train more good people. We appreciate your patience, we’re doing our best!